To encourage people irrespective of caste, creed, sex, race, religion or place of birth to develop to the fullest their innate potential as human beings as exemplified by the great human being and the enlightened teacher the Buddha and other great human beings through their practices conducive to the development such as the systematic cultivation of wisdom, compassion, ethics, meditation, and such like,
To encourage the above development in any way such as by providing facilities, services, aids, making donations and otherwise including holding seminars, conferences, workshops, lectures, classes, conducting camps, training programmes and providing research facilities,
To encourage and foster a general interest in education, more specifically value education and various skills among the people and especially amongst underprivileged members of the society by giving special facilities and support.
To encourage, promote, support, help and/or aid to children’s from tribe community and woman’s in general for education various skill like computer, Accounts, MBA and likewise.
To promote and encourage the educational, cultural, social, spiritual and economic development of the tribal people and establish, conduct, run and or aid suitable projects and activities to achieve this development with their full participation,
To promote, help, encourage and or aid women to get their social rights and rights of equality; and to conduct, establish, and/or aid, promote the projects, centres, institutes, training in self protections and other necessary activities including savings and credit groups, self-help groups and other social and economic programmes and activities for empowerment, and the equal status of women in the society,
To encourage, promote, support, help and/or aid for woman’s in underprivileged section of society to develop entrepreneurship, starting cooperatives business and bank for sustainability of the community.
To encourage, promote, support, help and/or aid, conduct the necessary mind training wellbeing activities to empower individual.
To encourage, promote, support, help and or aid, conduct necessary activities to create peace, harmony and conflict resolution
To encourage, promote, support, help and/or aid , conduct the mind training program, for stress reduction and live a happy life with state of full awareness.
To encourage, promote, support, help and/or aid , conduct the online / offline teaching program to train people systematically in mindfulness, various systematic Meditation and ethics.
To encourage, promote and help people practice the ancient Indian ethical values such as Wisdom, Morality, Compassion, Loving Kindness, middle path, the highest virtues and to provide facilities for such practise,